

FirstOnSite’s 2018 in Review

2018 was a year of ever-increasing awareness for both companies like FirstOnSite and its clients due to disastrous weather causing emergency clean-up.

Building the Global Reputation of Facility Management

The need for quality facility management is pervasive with aspects that touch all our lives – both personal and professional and yet the biggest challenge the

The Realities of Healthcare Retrofits

In healthcare, patient comfort, staff schedules, health and safety standards, and critical equipment needs demand a tailored approach to every retrofit.

Keeping the Flames at Bay: Wildfire Prevention Tips for Property Managers

Wildfires in British Columbia, the US capital – and, indeed, around the world – have turned a red-hot spotlight on the risks of fire and

A New Age for Sustainable Projects

Industry trends point to a renewed focus on sustainable projects in development, both to the benefit of owner budgets and tenant comfort.

Measure by Measure to Cut Costs and Keep Property Owners Happy

Keeping tenants happy, buildings occupied, and property values high are top priorities for property management firms. In reality, that’s easier said than done – especially

Keeping Your Company Afloat After a Flood

Whether a result of global warming, urban expansion or inadequate city planning, the potential for water-related disasters like floods is real.

Clearing the Clutter: 5 Benefits to Eliminating your Paper

Cutting through clutter is key to making the most effective use of a property manager's time. While many solutions have promised to do just that, few are as effective as going digital.

Paperwork 2.0: The Power of Digitizing Paper in Property Management

With advancements in digitization, stakeholders can use tools like Fujitsu scanners that help save time and resources when it comes to tackling some of their more onerous tasks – particularly, paperwork.

Taking Charge in the Age of EVs

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is here; and with it, a demand for property stakeholders to accommodate a growing volume of plugged-in commuters.

Innovative Wireways Modernize University

The Université de Saint-Boniface in Winnipeg, Manitoba retrofitted a classroom with flexible wireways that would create a more active learning environment.

Taking Energy-Saving Actions for Ontario’s Cap and Trade

In 2017, the province of Ontario advanced its role in the fight against climate change with the launch of its provincial cap and trade program.

Lessons from the Wildfires: Tips for Cleaning Smoke Damage

Since early April 2017, first responders, Canadian agencies, and restoration specialists have been uniting to bring British Columbia back from one of the worst wildfire seasons in the province's history.

The Business Continuity Plan: Your Post-Disaster Gameplan

In an age when everyone is looking for assurances, having a Business Continuity Plan will bring your clients and employees peace of mind.

Disaster Planning: Before, During, and After

Recognizing risks is important, but to be truly prepared, companies need to have a disaster plan in place to protect them before, during, and after an event.

Disaster Preparation: Do Your Homework

Having an emergency game plan within reach and ready to go is critical to helping disaster responders provide a fast, effective, and thorough response.

Preparing for the Worst

No one likes to think about disasters, but the reality is they happen. Being prepared and aligning with the right partners can be the difference between a quick response or a long and costly recovery.