
surety association

Canadian Property Management

Smart buildings harnessed for pandemic response

While climate change may have slipped somewhat from people’s consciousness and priorities right now, it’s noteworthy that the pandemic and climate crises are both problems of exponential growth against a limited capacity to cope.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Six ways to help remote workers thrive

Many employees are not accustomed to being remote workers and might find the lack of traditional office space challenging.
LEED Platinum


Energy efficiency powers condo to LEED Platinum

Perched on the edge of the waterfront, south of the Distillery District near Sugar Beach, Toronto’s first LEED Platinum high-rise condo stands in the Bayside

Canadian Property Management

Proptech potential still largely unexploited

Global and Canadian survey results suggest proptech is more piecemeal than strategically deployed in many cases, hindering the capacity to integrate data collection and interpretation.
REMI Summti

REMI Network

Announcing the inaugural REMI Summit 

Coming June 10th to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, MediaEdge is proud to present the REMI Summit, a high-calibre forum, designed with input from Canada’s property management industry.
electronic voting


Electronic voting still met with resistance

Opponents of electronic voting are scared it will expose the archaic and flawed system of proxy voting for what it is: unnecessary and obsolete.
museum retrofit

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Museum retrofit safeguards precious artifacts

While museum relics are meant to be cherished and preserved long-term, the building systems that protect them are not.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Not all noise nuisances require a remedy

Noise complaints are a prevalent and challenging problem for facility managers. While the most common are related to a loud residential or commercial neighbour, the
energy management

Canadian Apartment Magazine

AI-driven energy management platforms

The apartment rental landscape is changing. Utility costs are rising, creating the need for improved energy management.
environmental approvals


Friendlier CHP environmental approvals welcome

It's still unclear how the process of securing environmental approvals for combined heat and power systems will be streamlined, but the Ontario government's recent pledge has been greeted enthusiastically in the buildings sector.

Design Quarterly

Resilient design in the workplace

A panel of speakers explored the significant steps businesses, governments and learning institutions are actively taking towards resilient design

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Gen Z wellbeing suffering in Canadian offices

Canadian employers in the corporate office sector are not doing enough to support wellbeing among young people entering the workforce.
electrical work

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Keeping up with Ontario’s Electrical Safety Code

Insights from the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) on the new Ontario Electrical Safety Code and how it affects residential property owners.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Plugging in to the benefits of energy storage

A sharp rise in energy costs and strict sustainability mandates have been spurring business owners to explore alternative solutions for decades. Could on-site energy storage be the next green ticket?


Cryptocurrency risks, blockchain potential

Could the recent sale of a Toronto condo for cryptocurrency be the first sign of a shift in the condo industry towards use of digital currencies?

Canadian Property Management

21st century grid heralds a new energy future

Data will be the golden key in the new energy future, and any company with an interest in data is already thinking about this energy future.


What technology can’t replace in communities

What is being left behind as technology becomes more a part of day-to-day living in a community? Should some things be done the “old-fashioned” way?