Artificial intelligence

innovation efficiency

Canadian Property Management

Existing buildings sector limbering up with AI

Artificial intelligence is proving useful for teaching old dogs new tricks in the existing buildings sector, finding energy savings and emissions reductions in advance of comprehensive retrofits.
data centres

REMI Network

Alberta devises strategy for building AI data centres

The province of Alberta hopes to become the most attractive place in North America for building AI data centres.
smart HCAC

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Uptake in smart HVAC systems expected to rise

According to recent findings from ABI Research, smart HVAC adoption is expected to increase steadily thanks to its many proven benefits that include significant energy and cost savings.
Fastidious work lies ahead of AI advancement

Canadian Property Management

Fastidious work lies ahead of AI advancement

Early adopters and enthusiasts in the commercial real estate industry cite AI's possibilities for portfolio management, risk management, valuation and assessing investment performance.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

How AI can help facility management

The toughest job of integrating AI into daily work life may be getting the facility management team on board.
AI labour

REMI Network

IFMA leveraging resources for AI guidance

IFMA is boosting resources to help industry professionals differentiate AI hype from reality.


AI as a virtual assistant for managers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries. Condominium management should be no exception.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Using AI for optimal facility maintenance

The demand for sustainable and efficient facility management has become vital in today’s rapidly evolving business world, and AI can help you achieve maximum efficiency


Legal implications of AI in condo management

AI in condominium property management can have several legal implications, depending on how it is implemented and used. Here are some important legal considerations:

Canadian Facility Management & Design

The Brave New World of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer for the facility management sector—and this is only the beginning.
facility technology

REMI Network

Upgrade your facility with 2022’s biggest technology trends

Facility managers across all sectors are using industry innovation to improve productivity, streamline processes, and boost profits.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Unlock free building energy with AI

There’s free energy to be harnessed from every building. The trick is taking advantage of thermodynamics through artificial intelligence (AI). It may sound like science

Canadian Property Management

Unlock free building energy with AI

There’s free energy to be harnessed from every building. The trick is taking advantage of thermodynamics through artificial intelligence (AI). 
traffic-based cleaning

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Promoting hygiene through traffic-based cleaning

Butlr Technologies' people-sensing platform uses thermal wireless sensors and AI to detect human presence indoors.
cleaning industry trends

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Assessing likely cleaning industry trends for 2022

The cleaning industry has changed significantly during the pandemic, and technology is set to lead the way in 2022.

REMI Network

McGill to train next-gen leaders in ethical A.I. use

A new cohort of students at McGill University will soon be poised to tackle crucial questions about the application and potential misuse of Artificial Intelligence, which continues to change the retail landscape.
Building an organic smart building from the bottom up could be easier than a top-down model

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Open protocols could nurture organic smart city

Abandonment of the Sidewalk Labs project proposed for Toronto is unfortunate, but it serves as an important lesson that building a smart city from the top down is hard.