condo management



Pushing for a workplace culture shift

Condo managers are familiar with hostile work environments, but cases of harassment and intimidation, and even violence, have reportedly increased due to a confluence of factors.

REMI Network

Harassment against condo managers on the rise

The Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario is reporting escalating incidents of workplace harassment and abuse as a critical labour shortage rips through the industry.


AI as a virtual assistant for managers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries. Condominium management should be no exception.


Condo managers breaking gender stereotypes

The underrepresentation of women is a prevailing narrative across the traditionally male-dominated building sector, but the world of condo management tells another story. 


Who will manage all the future condos in Ontario?

Ontario's condo management industry is calling for change as the province plans to build 1.5 million homes in 10 years, including a large number of new condos.


Mould & Fan Coils: A risk you can’t ignore

One of the more desirable "hot spots" for mould growth in condominiums is within fan coil units (FCUs). And left to grow, mould can become a significant health risk to occupants and lead to costly building repairs.


Condo pest control: Insights from the pandemic

The pandemic has been a proving ground for every trade. That includes the pest management sector, where unique circumstances and heightened infestation risks have kept even the pros on their toes.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Pest management insights from the pandemic

The pandemic has been a proving ground for every trade. That includes the pest management sector, where unique circumstances and heightened infestation risks have kept even the pros on their toes.

Canadian Property Management

Getting “smart” with package management

Handling today's influx of deliveries diverts time and resources away from other building priorities. That's why many property teams are turning to package management technologies to handle the heavy lifting.


Plugging into the future of EV charging

New buildings are subject to laws and regulations, which require them to be compatible with EVCs.
condo manager


Detoxifying the condo manager’s workplace

It’s hard to imagine that there’s a condo manager anywhere in Ontario who would describe their job as easy. The breadth and depth of knowledge required to do the job well are astounding.


Engaging next-gen condo managers

Over a million residents live in condos, and more buildings are being built today than ever before.


Fair condo elections at stake as Ontario consults on e-voting regs

In this new frontier of e-voting lies a confluence of ethical factors that should be considered ahead of permanent changes to the Condo Act.
criminal code


Potential cost of CMRAO’s discipline process

In a recent case, two condominium corporations complained to the CMRAO about a manager’s failure to turn over records following termination of the management contract.


Ethics, etiquette and excellence in management

Anyone entering the condo management field needs to be willing to work on their interpersonal skills, which outweigh academic credibility.


CMRAO raises the bar for condo management licensing 

In November 2017, Ontario introduced mandatory licensing requirements for all current and prospective condominium managers through the new Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA). Fast-forward to now, the CMRAO is taking the province’s licensing training and education to the next level.


Aging condos can learn new tricks

As appealing as old buildings are, they do present some unique challenges for residents. Often, these aging developments hang on to old processes.