Risk Management
Fastidious work lies ahead of AI advancement
Early adopters and enthusiasts in the commercial real estate industry cite AI's possibilities for portfolio management, risk management, valuation and assessing investment performance.
Multiple failings uncovered in fatal fire probe
Beyond the UK, the report offers lessons for onlookers everywhere about slipshod diligence, inappropriately trained safety administrators and the possible risks of commercial pressures in certification processes.
Energy data refines ESG performance metrics
Energy efficiency will gain standing in the 2025 GRESB assessment when the global benchmark for ESG performance of commercial real estate portfolios introduces revised scoring for its energy performance metric.
Short-term rental registry stuck in manual
Toronto relies heavily on manual review processes for oversight of approximately 8,400 registrants currently approved to offer short-term rental accommodations in their principal residences.
Prized office tenant steps up green demands
Ottawa landlords are contemplating a list of new expectations from a prized office tenant following recently announced updates to the federal government’s green operations strategy.
Ontario retailers ponder alcohol sales viability
Leases and logistics will be major factors in whether Ontario retailers can act on pending flexibility to sell beer, wine, cider and ready-to-drink alcohol-infused beverages in grocery and convenience stores.
A transparent need for data strategies
Based on self-reporting, many of the commercial real estate firms subject to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s pending climate-related disclosure rules are grappling with how they will comply.
Resilience still lacks climate action profile
Climate change adaptation measures are typically viewed as risk management rather than levers for investment returns, but they are inherently linked to building and portfolio value.
Defaulted real estate loans on the upswing
Many creditors and debtors are now grappling with the fallout from a largely unexpected change in market conditions over the course of their loan agreements.
Energy storage prompts a battery of precautions
In step with the projected surge in energy storage installations, fire safety advisors are actively working to help clean tech adopters understand and mitigate the risks.
OEB in doghouse for cost recovery ruling
The Ontario government plans to establish its authority to designate critical gas transmission projects and reaffirm the existing cost recovery model for connecting natural gas service to new residential development.
Exposure to U.S. office loans grows unsettling
Regional and mid-sized banks in the United States are considered most vulnerable to losses on commercial real estate loans, particularly those tied to that country’s shaky office sector.
Climate action levers key amid competing crises
Strategists are pondering the most effective climate action levers to keep attention focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as other events and pressures commandeer priority-setting agendas.
Social destabilization unsettles city fabric
Data, collaborative networks and a suite of tested best practices can be valuable resources for property managers pressed to respond to the unsettling social destabilization occurring in many Canadian cities.
Receptive climate for risk management brewing
New guidance for CRE investors and owners/managers highlights climate-related risks, recommended safeguard measures and key questions for gauging the preparedness of assets.
Rooftop solar photovoltaics spark safety advice
Rooftop solar PV installations pack a potentially lethal electrical charge, necessitating vigilant monitoring and maintenance of the many system components.
Climate change adaptation efforts unfolding
Canada’s newly finalized climate change adaptation strategy sets out objectives and attaches mid- to near-term targets to bolster resilience in five key action areas.