Corporate Sustainability

CRE retains ESG adherents as U.S. politics turn

CRE retains ESG adherents as U.S. politics turn

Resilience and energy/water efficiency are projected to remain highly relevant for commercial real estate in the United States, while some other concepts linked to ESG are tapped to lose momentum.
BOMA Canada

BOMA Canada awards industry’s best for 2024

The Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada presented its national awards on September 25, 2024.
Energy data refines ESG performance metrics

Energy data refines ESG performance metrics

Energy efficiency will gain standing in the 2025 GRESB assessment when the global benchmark for ESG performance of commercial real estate portfolios introduces revised scoring for its energy performance metric.
Prized office tenant steps up green demands

Prized office tenant steps up green demands

Ottawa landlords are contemplating a list of new expectations from a prized office tenant following recently announced updates to the federal government’s green operations strategy.
west end vancouver

Resolvable barriers still impede accessibility

The building features that most commonly impede people with disabilities are not those that are the costliest or most structurally complicated to correct, new survey findings show.
Pending climate-related disclosure rules highlight data requirements

A transparent need for data strategies

Based on self-reporting, many of the commercial real estate firms subject to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s pending climate-related disclosure rules are grappling with how they will comply.
Decarbonization roadmap navigators now in demand

Decarbonization roadmap navigators in demand

Real estate operators are looking to consultants, turnkey contractors and software for navigational assistance in developing and implementing decarbonization roadmaps.
Climate action levers key amid competing crises

Climate action levers key amid competing crises

Strategists are pondering the most effective climate action levers to keep attention focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as other events and pressures commandeer priority-setting agendas.
BOMA Canada launches net-zero learning pursuit

BOMA Canada launches net-zero learning pursuit

The first step in BOMA Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero operations, develop replicable guidance from the experience and promote best practices for carbon offsets begins with BOMEX 2023.
ESG metrics inform range of CRE stakeholders

Range of CRE stakeholders demand ESG metrics

Canada’s leading commercial real estate players are increasingly turning to ESG metrics to track responsiveness to a range of emerging risks and business imperatives.
Sustainable finance products clear path to 2050

Sustainable finance products forge way to 2050

Sustainable finance products, are expected to increasingly come into play as building owners/managers pursue decarbonization and look to bolster the climate resiliency of their properties.
Market transformation beckons greenwashing

Market transformation beckons greenwashing

Greenwashing is tapping into a demonstrated consumer preference for products and services with low-carbon credentials and growing interest in ESG accountability.
CRE mostly on its own to meet 2030 commitments

CRE strategizes to meet 2030 commitments

Among its many challenges, the race to meet 2030 commitments for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction could have some public relations complications.
Human rights due diligence aligns with ESG

Human rights due diligence aligns with ESG

New guidance urges commercial real estate operators to consider how contracting, purchasing and leasing can intersect with abuse, exploitation and discrimination.
environmentally friendly offices

Employees expect environmentally friendly offices

Six in 10 workers surveyed feel their office is "shamefully eco-unfriendly"
Business case assumptions evolve alongside ESG

Business case assumptions evolve alongside ESG

Investors and lenders are expected to increasingly focus on the physical and transitional risks of climate change, in turn upending some conventional views of costs and value.
REALPAC releases updated model green lease

Updated model green lease attuned to the 2020s

REALPAC’s newly updated model green lease for Canadian office buildings introduces measures aligned with the broadening demand for ESG reporting and performance outcomes.