

Keeping your building air and watertight for the winter

Winter brings extreme weather, cold temperatures, and a freeze-thaw cycle that can negatively affect your building, its occupants, and your workflow, so keeping your facility

Focus on fire safety for your building

Fire safety is a critical part of your maintenance plan. Along with threatening the safety of your staff and visitors, the risk of fire creates

Choosing the right floors for your building

If you are replacing your floors as part of your indoor maintenance plan, there is some key information you need to know before you start.

Is your facility ready for winter?

Winter brings its own unique challenges to facilities, and preparing for those conditions ahead of the cold weather can save you time, money, and headaches.

Getting started in decarbonization

As we strive to lessen our impact on the environment, decarbonization is something that maintenance managers can work towards to help reach the sustainability goals.

Minimizing the risk of winter mould

Winter brings increased precipitation, melting snow and ice, and warmer temperatures indoors – ideal conditions for indoor mould growth. Prevention is the key to avoiding

How AI can improve your warehouse operations

Smart buildings and technology adoption have become so popular in the last few years, with facility managers streamlining operations, better managing inventory, and minimizing labour.
concrete floors

Common maintenance misconceptions for concrete floors

Concrete floors play a crucial role in commercial buildings, offering the appeal of low maintenance, durability, and aesthetics. Because of these traits, polished concrete floors
slip and fall accidents

Avoid slip and fall accidents in your building

Winter brings snow, ice, and an increased risk for slip and fall accidents in your facility. Minimizing these risks and keeping your facility clean is

Facility maintenance: there’s an app for that

Whether you are managing assets or planning your maintenance schedules, technology has emerged to make maintenance managers’ lives easier. As smart buildings become more popular,

Pipe insulation is a must for your maintenance

Often, the role of the maintenance manager extends to cutting costs and choosing materials that support your company’s sustainability goals. Whether you are choosing insulation

Storing your summer maintenance equipment

When the summer season officially comes to an end, cleaning, repairing, and storing your outdoor equipment effectively should be part of your fall maintenance strategy.
fall maintenance

Your fall maintenance checklist

As the kids get ready to go back to school, we look (not too far) ahead to fall’s arrival. With the cooler temperatures and winter
autonomous equipment

Using autonomous cleaning equipment to attract younger talent

The cleaning industry continues to face high rates of employee turnover and an ongoing labour shortage. In fact, Canada’s cleaning industry saw an almost 145
smart buildings

How smart buildings affect commercial cleaners

With technology constantly improving building operations, how have these changes affected commercial cleaners and their work? Smart buildings use technology to gain valuable data, helping

Getting your hard floors back-to-school ready

It’s almost that time of year again when schools reopen and are flooded with traffic, trampling over floors during all sorts of weather. The summer
summer 2023

FCM’s Summer 2023 issue is now available!

As the cleaning and maintenance landscape continues to improve and evolve, what does it look like these days? The pandemic leaves its mark with labour