

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

How 2025 plumbing trends will impact facility management and building maintenance

The plumbing industry is set for a significant technological transformation in 2025, reshaping facility management, cleaning, and maintenance, according to Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Using robotics to revamp modern maintenance

The industrial and commercial maintenance sectors are at a critical juncture, poised for a significant evolution. Integrating advanced technologies is not a theoretical prospect but
smart buildings

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

How smart buildings affect commercial cleaners

With technology constantly improving building operations, how have these changes affected commercial cleaners and their work? Smart buildings use technology to gain valuable data, helping

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Robots gain momentum for commercial floor cleaning

In recent years, we’ve mostly heard about touchless technology dominating commercial cleaning, with things like traffic counters, automatic dispensers, sensored doors, and more, but part
warehouse technology

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Why smart warehouses make sense

Take your building management to the next level by using technology to manage inventory and optimize day-to-day processes.
robot mower

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Waterloo employs robot mower to reduce carbon emissions

The machine can be operated entirely from an app, send real-time updates, and only needs to be cleaned once a week.
robotic tech

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

OSHA updates guidance on robotic tech

The cleaning and janitorial industry has come to increasingly rely on robotic tech, and this requires updated stringent standards.
robotic lawn mowers

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

New safety specs for robotic lawn mowers

The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute is a key proponent of the standard addressing potential hazards related to technology-enabled, remote-controlled grounds-keeping equipment.