GTA rental market

GTA condos

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Rents for GTA condos rose 12.6% in Q2

Q2 rental market data reveals that the annual rate of rent growth for vacant GTA condos was 12.6%, pushing rents to a record high average of $2,803.
smaller units in demand

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Smaller units in demand across GTA

While average rents for all GTA rental units available for lease in Q1-2023 reached record highs, smaller units saw a significant surge.
condominium rents

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA condominium rents up 17% in 2022

As reported by Urbanation, GTA condominium rents rose by nearly 17 per cent in 2022 following decreases in 2021 and 2020.
rent growth

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA rental construction stalls in Q3 as demand soars

According to Urbanation's Q3 rental market report, rental construction in the GTA has stalled as demand for apartments continues to surge.
labour shortage

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA rental construction surged in 2021

Despite the unprecedented challenges of 2021, the GTA rental market faired well by Q4 with rental construction increasing to a 30-year high.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Toronto vacancy rate declines to 3% in Q3-2021

Urbanation’s latest survey of purpose-built rental buildings reports that the average Toronto vacancy rate has dropped from 5.1 per cent in Q2 to 3 per cent in Q3-2021.
GTA rents

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Popularity of small rental units back on the rise

Average rents for all GTA property types increased nearly a full per cent in August over July, with small rental units climbing in popularity after a year of lagging.
GTA recovery

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA rental market recovery underway

A new report from Urbanation confirms that GTA rental market recovery began in earnest during the second quarter of 2021.
average asking rents

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Average rent in Canada down 8.7% in January

The average rent for all Canadian properties in January 2021 dropped to $1,714 per month, down 8.7 per cent compared to January 2020.
rent growth

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Toronto vacancy rate reaches 50-year high

The latest Urbanation survey of purpose-built rental apartments in Toronto show the vacancy rate rose to a 50-year high of 5.7 per cent in Q4-2020. 

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Average rent down 8.1% in Canada: October 2020

New rental data for October 2020 shows that average rents are down in most large metros, particularly for smaller luxury units located in busy neighbourhhoods.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Tight market conditions persist in GTA

New CMHC rental market survey sheds light on the main drivers affecting the GTA's tight market conditions.
GTA rental market Aug 2019

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Elevated immigration fuels GTA rental market

A strong GTA rental market fuelled by favourable demographics lifted transaction velocity 8 per cent over the four quar­ters ending at mid-year 2019, according to a new report from Marcus & Milichap.
Toronto Condos

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA rental completions reach 25-year high

With 1,849 new rental units coming to market since January 2019, GTA rental completions have reached a 25-year high according to the latest data from Urbanation.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

The GTA rental market today

A new report from Urbanation indicates the GTA rental market is in healthy shape, with tightened conditions due to fewer completions and less turnover.