Toronto rental market


Canadian Apartment Magazine

Average monthly rent up 16.5 per cent in GTA

The average monthly rent in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) has increased 16.5 per cent since May 2021, according to the latest Rent Report.
labour shortage

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA rental construction surged in 2021

Despite the unprecedented challenges of 2021, the GTA rental market faired well by Q4 with rental construction increasing to a 30-year high.
average asking rents

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Average rents projected to rise in 2022

Forecast calls for average rents in Toronto to bounce back 11 per cent next year, six per cent in Vancouver, and five per cent in Montreal.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Luxury rentals are making a comeback

In a sign of recovery, centrally located luxury rentals in Toronto and Vancouver are increasing in demand and in price, according to the latest National Rent Report.
condominium rents

Canadian Apartment Magazine

GTA vacancy rate continues to climb

The GTA vacancy rate reached an all-time high in Q1-2021 according to a new survey by Urbanation looking at newer purpose-built rental apartments.
average asking rents

REMI Network

GTA rents continue to decline

GTA rents continue to decline, with condo rentals in downtown Toronto seeing the most significant drop in rates at 16 per cent.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Tight market conditions persist in GTA

New CMHC rental market survey sheds light on the main drivers affecting the GTA's tight market conditions.
GTA rental market Aug 2019

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Elevated immigration fuels GTA rental market

A strong GTA rental market fuelled by favourable demographics lifted transaction velocity 8 per cent over the four quar­ters ending at mid-year 2019, according to a new report from Marcus & Milichap.