Security & Life Safety

dislodge drug dealers

New rules could help dislodge drug dealers

Proposed amendments to Ontario's Cannabis Control Act would allow authorities to lock down and bar entry to residential dwellings in the course of laying charges
Ontario Fire Code

Ontario Fire Code to add steeper fine bracket

More stringent fines and an extended period for prosecutions are slated to come into force 30 days after the Ontario legislature adopts the Budget Measures Act.
false fire alarm

The implications of false fire alarms in condos

For condo managers, a false fire alarm results in new issues. What happens when a fire alarm goes off at a condominium when no smoke or fire is present?
parcel delivery

How to handle an influx of packages

As the volume of online purchases grows, the need for an effective parcel delivery system is vital, especially for online shoppers living in condos.
safety compliance

Safety compliance for condo corporations

As employers, condo corporations can be prosecuted under the ‘general duty’ clause, even when complying with OHSA safety compliance regulations.

New security solutions target condo communities

Specialized analytics and network audio are addressing lax condominium security by combining video surveillance, communication and entry control.

Flood recovery in four steps

There are four basic steps that those responsible for a property need to take to help manage disasters such as floods.

Site security comes under renewed scrutiny

Construction site security is under renewed scrutiny after a member of the public gained access to a downtown property and scaled a crane.

Lounge furniture targeted as multi-res fire risk

Some condo lobbies may be looking spare lately because the lounge furniture that usually occupies these spaces is being targeted as a fire risk.

Are your condo property’s master keys secure?

Two recent events in Toronto have called into question the security of master keys in condo buildings.

Food delivery changes challenge condo security

Recent innovations in delivery services may raise additional security concerns for condos, placing renewed importance on access control.

Minimum wage hike to follow new condo fees

The minimum wage hike may sting more in condo communities than others as they face new costs associated with recent changes to Ontario’s condo laws.

Lighting design that illuminates condo security

Lighting design can make a big difference in the safety and security of a condominium.

Integrated security solutions add new layer

The intrusion detection system (IDS) is slowly being incorporated into integrated security solutions in condominiums.

Drone use comes with flight risks for condos

A drone can capture data about the building structure as it scales the envelope, but consider too the images or video it could unintentionally capture.

Remove graffiti fast to prevent future tagging

An expert offers tips on how to prevent building vandalism, suggesting the best method is to remove graffiti fast to avoid future tagging.

Five winter safety tips for condo managers

December has been seasonably mild, so winter safety tips may not be top of mind for condo managers. But now is a good time to prepare for coming weather.