
Real estate vulnerable to Canada-U.S. trade war

High-rise development is expected to be the hardest hit real estate activity, but fallout across a wider range of consumer goods has potential negative implications for commercial warehouse and distribution facilities.

Investment property imperils preferred tax rate

The new rules capture the demographic of investors who own small low-rise residential or mixed-use commercial-residential buildings as a sideline to their main business ventures.

Accessible fire safety tips for property managers

Accessibility advocates see the built environment as a laggard when it comes to fire safety, especially for people with disabilities.

New trade partners move up Canada’s wish list

CETA isn't expected to suddenly propel a wave of Canadian firms onto short lists for EU projects, but it does open up opportunities to start building relationships with potential customers.

When can condos enter bulk telecom contracts?

The courts recently reviewed the authority on which a condo corporation may rely in entering into a bulk services contract with a telecom provider.

Builders abuzz about cannabis legalization

Ontario’s residential construction industry is anxiously awaiting tools from the province to help it uphold its workplace health and safety obligations when recreational cannabis becomes legal next year.

HST misconception a sleeping giant

HST has been flying under the radar and could become a potentially significant liability for condo corporations.

Drone use comes with flight risks for condos

A drone can capture data about the building structure as it scales the envelope, but consider too the images or video it could unintentionally capture.

Big data backs medium-density development

The development of courtyard apartments, multiplexes and town homes could be among the building blocks of better housing affordability in Ontario.

Can patients grow pot in their condo units?

A recent court decision may have opened the door to medical marijuana patients to grow a limited number of a marijuana plants in their condominium units.

Money laundering via real estate scrutinized

Recent guidance from the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada sets out 39 indicators that should prompt parties involved in facilitating real estate deals to contemplate purchasers' or vendors' motives.

Changing market challenges property managers

A recent PM Expo seminar elaborated on changing market conditions and how they will affect future property managers in an increasingly technical field.

CRTC decision addresses telecom access in condos

Let a fourth telecommunications service provider in, or risk losing all Internet access. That was the headline version of an Aug. 15 Canadian Radio-television and

Thermal metering crosses the pond

Thermal metering, already widespread in Europe, is expected to gain traction in Canada as the technology becomes more accessible.

Inquiry puts spotlight on procurement practices

News of a Competition Bureau inquiry has put a spotlight on procurement practices in the condominium industry.

Canada advances HFC phase-down

Impending environmental regulations will push the Canadian and American real estate industries toward cooling and insulation options with lower global warming potential.

Case wades into excessive water use in condos

A lawyer illuminates lessons from a case concerning excessive water use by a legal grow-op in a condo as the federal Liberals plan to legalize marijuana.