workplace harassment



Pushing for a workplace culture shift

Condo managers are familiar with hostile work environments, but cases of harassment and intimidation, and even violence, have reportedly increased due to a confluence of factors.

REMI Network

CAO drafts anti-harassment rule

The Condominium Authority of Ontario has drafted an anti-harassment rule for condo corporations to consider.

REMI Network

Harassment against condo managers on the rise

The Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario is reporting escalating incidents of workplace harassment and abuse as a critical labour shortage rips through the industry.
condo manager


Detoxifying the condo manager’s workplace

It’s hard to imagine that there’s a condo manager anywhere in Ontario who would describe their job as easy. The breadth and depth of knowledge required to do the job well are astounding.
Construction firm pays settlement to workers subjected to severe sexual harassment

Construction Business

Severe sexual harassment found on NYC jobsites

A construction firm in New York City will pay a USD $1.5 million settlement and undergo three years of outside monitoring following the State Attorney General’s investigation of sexual harassment complaints.

REMI Network

Study examines harassment in Canadian workplaces

Verbal abuse is the most common type of harassment reported by Canadian workers according to a new study titled Harassment in Canadian workplaces.