

Getting your hard floors back-to-school ready

It’s almost that time of year again when schools reopen and are flooded with traffic, trampling over floors during all sorts of weather. The summer
summer 2023

FCM’s Summer 2023 issue is now available!

As the cleaning and maintenance landscape continues to improve and evolve, what does it look like these days? The pandemic leaves its mark with labour

Using textiles to improve wellness and lower maintenance

Facilities today face stricter cleaning and maintenance standards, as the general public continues to become more informed about climate health, sustainability, and the environment. This

Avoiding summer mould in your building

The heat of the summer weather can have adverse effects on your building and your maintenance plan. Along with added moisture from rainfall, the risk

Protect your employees and your facility from air pollution

As the summer heats up, so do wildfires and the smoke they carry. This year Canadian wildfires have sent dangerous levels of smoke up and

Why you should be evaluating your distributors

Most commercial facility administrators have an evaluation process for their vendors to ensure that they are getting the best service for the best price. For

ESG and the commercial cleaning industry

More and more companies are looking for ways to increase their sustainability efforts, and commercial cleaners can help businesses reach their environmental, social, and governance

Overcoming objections to commercial cleaning

In today’s economy, many industries are finding sales challenging, and commercial cleaners are no exception. Whether the business has in-house cleaners, a small staff, or
daytime cleaning

Making the change to daytime cleaning

With all the changes in building occupancy, work-from-home, and flex hours still reigning, cleaners have had to make accommodations to get the job done in

Should your cleaning include RTUs?

As important as it is for cleaners to use the proper practices and protocols for optimum sanitation, it’s vital that they get the math right

Avoid cross-contamination in your facility

As the pandemic continues to influence how, when, and where we clean, cross-contamination remains a top priority among maintenance managers and commercial cleaners. The practices
hardwood floor

Selecting the best hardwood floor finish

Are you refinishing your building’s hardwood floor? Do you know the right application for your business? It’s important to get it right when choosing your

Why your mops might need an upgrade

As in all industries, commercial cleaning equipment and supplies are constantly evolving and advancing. From cleaning supplies to mops, it might be time to audit
sustainable cleaning

Sustainable cleaning matters

Sustainable cleaning is on almost everyone’s minds as we continue to strive to lower our environmental impact. As we evolve from “green cleaning” to longer,
smart toilets

Are smart toilets the way of the future?

As technology continues to evolve the commercial cleaning industry with innovation, where do smart toilets fit in? The smart toilet global market is predicted to

Ensuring front-line workers are safe and engaged

A thriving facility starts with prioritizing staff, cleanliness, and safety. However, overworking employees and relying on them to maintain their own workplace has been shown

Your flooring can affect seasonal allergies

‘Tis the season for allergies, lasting in some cases until mid-October, including everything from grass to ragweed pollen. With 25 per cent of the population