
mental health

Commercial cleaners and their mental health

With the heightened attention on cleaning and sanitizing, labour shortages, and shifting building occupancy, the last few years have certainly taken their toll on the

Understanding green cleaning labels for safety

Sustainability continues to be a hot topic in the commercial cleaning world, with products making claims from biodegradable to organic to eco-friendly. However, it can
social media

Social media and commercial cleaning

Commercial cleaners, like all businesses, need a strategy to spread the word to attract new clientele. Marketing is a crucial step in expanding your business,
citric acid

Is citric acid a viable cleaning ingredient?

As we continue to evaluate our cleaning supplies and practices for sustainability, health and safety, efficacy, and more, some of the more common ingredients may
healthy buildings

Healthy buildings improve productivity

The heightened focus on hygiene and sanitization in the last few years has shone a light on cleanliness as it relates to the safety of

The fallacy of reducing cleaning frequencies to cut costs

The professional cleaning industry has historically been called “recession-resistant,” a term that was developed in the mid-1980s because even through downturns, the cleaning industry remained

Keeping schools healthy and clean

As back-to-school approaches, custodians are facing the daunting task of keeping the environment sanitized and safe for students, teachers, and visitors, as people are constantly
indoor air quality

Improving the indoor air quality in your building

The cooler weather is on its way, and when that happens, windows and bay doors start to stay closed, so facilities need to do what
autonomous equipment

Using autonomous cleaning equipment to attract younger talent

The cleaning industry continues to face high rates of employee turnover and an ongoing labour shortage. In fact, Canada’s cleaning industry saw an almost 145

Cleaning models for the post-pandemic reality

Post-pandemic workplaces have changed. With shifting schedules, flex hours, and smaller teams, commercial cleaners are once again pivoting to accommodate lower occupancy, while managing labour
smart buildings

How smart buildings affect commercial cleaners

With technology constantly improving building operations, how have these changes affected commercial cleaners and their work? Smart buildings use technology to gain valuable data, helping

Getting your hard floors back-to-school ready

It’s almost that time of year again when schools reopen and are flooded with traffic, trampling over floors during all sorts of weather. The summer
summer 2023

FCM’s Summer 2023 issue is now available!

As the cleaning and maintenance landscape continues to improve and evolve, what does it look like these days? The pandemic leaves its mark with labour

Using textiles to improve wellness and lower maintenance

Facilities today face stricter cleaning and maintenance standards, as the general public continues to become more informed about climate health, sustainability, and the environment. This

Avoiding summer mould in your building

The heat of the summer weather can have adverse effects on your building and your maintenance plan. Along with added moisture from rainfall, the risk

Protect your employees and your facility from air pollution

As the summer heats up, so do wildfires and the smoke they carry. This year Canadian wildfires have sent dangerous levels of smoke up and

Why you should be evaluating your distributors

Most commercial facility administrators have an evaluation process for their vendors to ensure that they are getting the best service for the best price. For