Risk Management

Climate risk profilers

Climate risk profilers wrangle fragmented data

A widening scope of resources can be tapped to build increasingly sophisticated risk profiles, but sustainability practitioners note that data is often fragmented and difficult to obtain.
climate change procrastinators

Climate change procrastinators urged to act

The mounting consequences of being stuck fast in the wrong place for an extended wrong time begin with soaring insurance premiums and end with stranded assets.
Ontario Fire Code

Ontario Fire Code to add steeper fine bracket

More stringent fines and an extended period for prosecutions are slated to come into force 30 days after the Ontario legislature adopts the Budget Measures Act.
prominent global real estate players

ESG guides prominent global real estate players

ESG provides a framework to set priorities, steer action and monitor progress toward more resilient assets, with 93 per cent of respondents reporting that criteria linked to sustainability, supporting local communities and shunning corruption influence their investment decisions.
clothing donation bins

Clothing donation bins may pose liability risk

Commercial property owners who host clothing donation bins could run afoul of their province's Occupiers Liability Act or Occupational Health and Safety Act should an incident occur.
Operating tech ripe for ransomware attacks

BOMA Canada raising awareness for cyber wellness

BOMA Canada's 2019 Cyber Wellness Guide is a tool for building owners and managers to start thinking about cybersecurity.

Real estate primed for low-carbon vanguard

Canada's Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance suggests there is more untapped opportunity than coordinated action in a market grappling with emerging imperatives for climate-related financial disclosure and integrating ESG measures.

Higher winter maintenance costs anticipated

Private property owners in Ontario, including condo corporations, could find themselves paying a premium to keep their walkways safe this winter.

Wellness needs to begin at the building level

Technology continues to make everyone’s life much easier, but it’s also making everyone more sedentary.

Cannabis legalization calls for drug policies

How can companies adapt to the monumental change of cannabis legalization? The short answer is to implement a drug policy.

More smokers stoke litter and fire risk

Business, professional and public interest groups are devising and deploying strategies to promote common sense and minimize risk, discord and environmental fallout.

Reducing risk factors for workplace injuries

There are many reasons companies start ergonomics programs: one serious injury, a series of minor injuries or staff absences in the workplace.

Site security comes under renewed scrutiny

Construction site security is under renewed scrutiny after a member of the public gained access to a downtown property and scaled a crane.

Renos draw unwanted critters out of woodwork

New construction and renovations can turn up the heat on pest pressures, but proactive measures can help prevent future infestations.

Cryptocurrency risks, blockchain potential

Could the recent sale of a Toronto condo for cryptocurrency be the first sign of a shift in the condo industry towards use of digital currencies?

Takeaways from #TorontoFlood

At least one condo corporation is facing what is likely to be a steep repair tab after Toronto was drenched with a month’s worth of rain on Aug. 7.

Hot weather plans get a workout in summer 2018

Workplace health and safety practitioners advise that measures to safeguard building services personnel from heat stress should be fairly straightforward.