REMI Network
HVACR industry concerned over impact of tariffs
The Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada recently shared that almost 70 per cent of its members expressed serious concern over the situation.
Canadian Property Management
Easy reference for refrigerant status launched
A new interactive map gives online searchers easy reference to the regulatory status of mildly flammable refrigerants across Canadian jurisdictions.
Canadian Property Management
New refrigerant restrictions set for 2025
Regulators in Canada and the United States are out of sync in banning the R-410A refrigerant that’s currently a mainstay of variable refrigerant flow (VRF) heat pump systems.
Canadian Property Management
Flammable refrigerants spark GHG reductions
Researchers and manufacturers have now done much of the work to prepare for the HFC phase-down, but codes and standards will need to catch up before a new generation of lower-GWP refrigerants can be used.
Construction Business
HRAI report: heat pumps save money and lower GHGs
Heat pumps can provide significant cost savings in the effort to decarbonize Canada’s building sector, according to a report by HRAI.
Facility Cleaning & Maintenance
HRAI develops COVID-19 awareness training program
HRAI is developing a COVID-19 training program for residential applications with the potential to expand into small commercial and ICI sectors.
Construction Business
HRAI survey reveals COVID-19 impacts on sector
A recent survey by HRAI found that most firms in the sector have experienced a drastic drop in business during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Facility Cleaning & Maintenance
UV light injurious to microorganisms and humans
The Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada is reinforcing the timely message that UV disinfection procedures are highly technical and the light, itself, is hazardous.
Canadian Property Management
HVACR technicians adhere to health protocol
A newly released message to consumers underscores the critical role the industry plays in the viability of indoor environments and in safeguarding food, medical supplies, data and other strategic services.
Facility Cleaning & Maintenance
ORAC and HRAI sign Memorandum of Understanding
The two groups will join forces to increase their impact and efficiency in specific areas of mutual interest.
Canadian Facility Management & Design
Quebec’s HFC prohibition dates called untimely
Proposed revisions to Quebec's halocarbon regulation could sideline some commonly used refrigerants before alternatives with lower global warming potential can feasibly be in place.