

Contract A removal a significant violation in B.C.

The B.C. Construction Association is raising a red flag about the removal of Contract A from the procurement process.

B.C. construction’s push for payment certainty

For B.C. contractors, cash flow is being severely restricted by payment delays or non-payment. Prompt payment legislation is urgently needed.

Attracting foreign construction workers

With a shortage of skilled labour in Canada, attracting foreign workers continues to be a priority to spur economic growth.
criminal code

Negligence and dangerously defective work

A recent B.C. court case illuminates the intricate landscape of liability for negligence in construction when the risk level is dangerous.

Collecting payment in uncertain times

Collecting unpaid accounts in challenging economic times requires careful attention and planning.
Future of Work

Understanding collaborative contracts

Collaborative construction contracts are not new to Canada, but their popularity has increased significantly in the past few years.
prompt payment

Get ready for prompt payment

B.C. is expected to follow other Canadian jurisdictions that have implemented prompt payment legislation, which sets payment timelines.
prompt payment

Lien rights upon termination of head contract

A recent British Columbia Supreme Court decision re-visits the issue of when the lien period starts to run upon termination of a head contract.
registration lien

Pending registration lien frustration

A new land titles registration process is causing grief for all those involved with builders’ liens by creating a pending registration queue.
clauses force

Force majeure clauses in contracts

Since the beginning of COVID-19, one issue that has garnered attention in contracts is the applicability of force majeure clauses.
prompt payment bill 37

A First Look at Alberta’s prompt payment legislation

Alberta has introduced prompt payment legislation. McLennan Ross highlights the key changes that are proposed in Bill 37.

COVID 19: construction legal Q&A

The McLennan Ross Construction Group is working hard to stay ahead of the legal challenges during the COVID pandemic, providing answers to top questions.
Surrey mixed-use

Minimizing construction disputes

Delays and disputes can be disruptive and costly for construction projects. Learn about some of the common causes and how to resolve them.
money laundering

Real estate flies red flags of money laundering

Some of the signals of potential malfeasance in real estate transactions are not obvious or only appear ominous when they are part of a pattern of questionable conduct.

Protecting contract final payments

A frustrating recent trend in the construction industry is the improper withholding of the final construction payment by the owner.

Supreme Court of Canada’s decision on L&M bonds

The Supreme Court of Canada released a decision on February 15, 2018 which imposes a new duty to inform claimants of the existence of a L&M bond.

When the developer next door comes calling

With construction booming and land scarce, condo buildings in urban areas may face a situation where a neighbouring developer requires access to their land.