cash flow


Construction Business

B.C. construction’s push for payment certainty

For B.C. contractors, cash flow is being severely restricted by payment delays or non-payment. Prompt payment legislation is urgently needed.
demand calgary

Construction Business

Getting paid in construction

In the construction industry, there is no shortage of challenges. Managing cash flow problems due to delay in payments is one of the most significant.
cash flow

Construction Business

Improve cash flow strategies in construction

One of the most common issues in cash flow for construction companies is poor accounts receivable management. Learn some best practices.

Construction Business

Equipment: the buy vs lease dilemma

Should you buy, rent or lease equipment for your construction projects? Equipment investment is a necessary cost for many general contractors.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Understanding the Importance of Cash Flow

Brian Kimmel, Assistant VP of Commercial Financing at First National, explains why cash flow can be a fairly misunderstood concept, especially among novice investors.