Jean Larose

Remembering former ISSA Canada leader Jean Larose

Larose joined ISSA Canada under its previous moniker in 1962 and helped grow the organization into the industry leader it is today.
Friday, May 21, 2021

The Canadian cleaning industry recently lost an icon as former ISSA Canada president Jean Larose passed away on May 6, 2021 at the age of 85.

Larose was instrumental in building ISSA into the industry-leading organization that it is today in Canada.

In 1954, the inspiring entrepreneur and his father founded their Larose et Fils Ltée family business. Larose then joined ISSA Canada under its previous name of the Canadian Sanitation Supply Association (CSSA) in 1962. He was only the second member from outside Ontario.

In 1963, he became chapter chairman and worked diligently to build membership in the eastern region to establish CSSA as a truly national organization.

By 1975, he had become CSSA president, the first representative from Quebec to hold the position. With Larose at the helm, the CSSA formed new chapters in Thunder Bay, Ont., as well as in the Atlantic region in 1977.

In addition to his dedication to growing the association, Larose was also pivotal in the creation of an association publication geared towards bolstering communications across the country. The first issue of “Sanitation Canada” made its debut at the 1976 CSSA Convention in Toronto with Larose on the cover.

A leader, mentor, loyal partner, and close friend to many in the industry, Larose also heavily involved with ISSA in the United States. A member since 1960, he attended every ISSA Show North America convention from 1960 through to 2018. He also served as the association’s first International Director.

Acknowledged for “Outstanding Services in Growing ISSA Membership” (1979), Larose was influential in convincing ISSA to host its annual trade show in Montreal, Queb., the first and so far only time the convention was held outside of the U.S.

The Larose family invites industry friends to sign the guestbook through the memorial website.

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