Health & Safety

Ontario Fire Code

Ontario Fire Code to add steeper fine bracket

More stringent fines and an extended period for prosecutions are slated to come into force 30 days after the Ontario legislature adopts the Budget Measures Act.
harassment protections

What about protections for managers and directors?

It’s not easy being a condo director or manager, as they are on the “front lines,” dealing with difficult owners and occupants.
safety compliance

Safety compliance for condo corporations

As employers, condo corporations can be prosecuted under the ‘general duty’ clause, even when complying with OHSA safety compliance regulations.

Cannabis legalization calls for drug policies

How can companies adapt to the monumental change of cannabis legalization? The short answer is to implement a drug policy.

Site security comes under renewed scrutiny

Construction site security is under renewed scrutiny after a member of the public gained access to a downtown property and scaled a crane.

Workplace harassment not limited to Hollywood

Cultural attitudes are shifting such that workplace harassment is becoming impossible to ignore, including in condo communities.

Required upgrades to single-speed elevators lifted

The TSSA recently lifted the requirement to undertake certain upgrades to the controls of single-speed elevators, but it doesn’t mean building owners should abandon modernization.

Workplace safety tips for property managers

Coordinating building systems and dealing with a variety of issues personal to clients’ homes have the potential to place property managers in harm’s way.

A call for resources for lone elderly residents

These situations are rarely straightforward for property owners/managers juggling legal obligations to protect privacy, accommodate disabilities and ensure the health and safety of all building residents.

Top 10 stories to watch in 2016

With 2016 now underway, REMI’s award-winning editorial team takes a look at the top stories from 2015 and how they will continue to impact the

Foreseeable safety hazards spell liability

Beyond the occupier's duty of care — a responsibility that property owners bear toward inhabitants, visitors and trespassers — landlords are also employers subject to health and safety regulations.

Working at heights standard takes effect in April

A new working at heights training standard aimed at preventing deaths and critical injuries in the Ontario construction sector takes effect April 1.

SaskPower inspires recall of smart meters

SaskPower's experience sparks recall of smart meters in Ontario.

A flurry of red-tagged emergency generators

When last winter’s ice storm walloped Toronto days before Christmas and knocked out power in parts of the city for upwards of a week, it

Why consider pre-qualifying contractors

A property management company has a health and safety program in place; its employees are well-trained and aware of the hazards they face in the

Toronto priority neighbourhoods may increase

The number of Toronto priority neighbourhoods may rise to 31 from 22, due to changes in the criteria that the city uses to determine at-risk areas.

Balancing condo safety with privacy rights

Condominiums must walk a fine line to balance community safety with occupants' privacy rights.