Using AI to improve your cleaning business

Today’s tools can simplify many of your more tedious tasks.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Technology is constantly providing tools to make cleaners’ jobs easier, increase efficiency, and simplify operations. The idea of AI may still seem futuristic, but these tools can help you create content, improve your correspondence, create systems, and more.

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Once you become familiar with how they can help your business, adopting these innovations can improve your business, allow you more time to focus on building customer relations, and help you to better manage your labour.

ISSA’s recent Straight Talk! episode with Dean Mercado, CEO of Online Marketing Muscle, covers three of the ways that you can leverage AI to help your cleaning business get ahead.

Content creation

There are a number of tools that can help you create copy, boost SEO, design marketing campaigns, and more. Any content you need for marketing will soon be available at your fingertips – from blogs to social media to website content – freeing up your time to manage your business. According to Dean, here’s where humans need to become more strategic, using tools like this to get the message out there to their audiences. The key is to get familiar with these tools and be able to provide them with the best information you can to receive the output that works for your business needs. Pro tips: fact-check all the content you receive from AI and check for plagiarism to protect yourself and ensure that you are putting out original, high-level content.


AI can also help you with correspondence. For example, if you need to create a collection letter, you can tell the tool the history of your relationship, dictate the tone of the letter, and create something that will address your needs. It also works well for emails, responding to online reviews, or any other type of correspondence you may need a little help creating.

Another way this tool can be used is for translation. If you have clients or staff whom you need to communicate with in another language, you can input your content, and AI will give it back to you in the language you need. The same applies to employee manuals or any content you need to be available in multiple languages.


AI isn’t just about marketing and sales, it can help your cleaning company with operations, too. For example, if you typed “create a system for a commercial cleaning company staff to clean restrooms,” into ChatGPT, it would give you a system for your staff. Next, ask it to simplify the process and put the system into a checklist. The tool uses data from the internet to gather information and create the document you’ve requested, so it is providing you with an educated estimate of what you are looking for.

Now this may not be exactly what you need at first crack, but it gets you started, saving you valuable time and money.

Adopting technology and adapting your business to use AI to your advantage will ensure that you aren’t left behind by your competition in the coming years.

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