Tax credit

Manitoba restores tax credit, hints at incentive

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Manitoba restores tax credit, hints new incentive

The 2024 Manitoba budget restores the rental housing construction tax credit and hints at a "time-limited" incentive for commercial-to-residential conversions.
Alberta aims to entice skilled labour from afar

Construction Business

Alberta aims to entice skilled labour from afar

The 2024-25 Alberta budget promises a one-time $5,000 refundable tax credit for workers in designated occupations who relocate to the province this year.
tax incentives

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Tax incentives key to driving housing innovation

As commercial finance conditions tighten, government tax incentives like SR&ED are becoming more important to the multifamily construction sector.
tax credit

Construction Business

New clean building tax credit for B.C. owners

A new tax credit will make energy retrofits for multi-unit residential and commercial buildings more affordable, saving owners 5 per cent.
Ontario announces 2024 rent increase guideline

Canadian Property Management

Putative budget promises tax credit extension

The Ontario government proposes a one-year extension of a refundable tax credit for building, acquiring or upgrading commercial and industrial buildings in areas outside the province's most flourishing markets.
Manitoba residential tenants offered tax credit

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Residential renters offered Manitoba tax credit

Manitoba's new Renters Tax Credit is a renamed version of its previously available education property tax credit, which has now also been extended to tenants in subsidized housing.
Robust green tax credit offered in Newfoundland and Labrador

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Robust green tax credit offered in Newfoundland

The new provincial tax credit is equivalent to 20 per cent of the capital costs of designated clean generation and energy-saving equipment, to a maximum of $1 million annually.
Quebec school maintenance budget gets top-up

Canadian Apartment Magazine

COVID aggravates Quebec social housing backlog

The 2021-2022 Quebec budget opens up an enhanced refundable tax credit for rental housing tenants aged 70 and older, and promises incremental upward adjustments over the next five years.
Quebec employers encouraged to take on interns

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Quebec employers encouraged to take on trainees

Quebec employers will be eligible for an enhanced refundable tax credit if they employ and/or invest in training interns during the next 13 months.