housing targets

Nova Scotia releases “Our Homes, Action for Housing” plan

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Nova Scotia government has just released its five-year “Our Homes, Action for Housing” plan, which represents a projected $1-billion investment. Informed by a provincewide housing needs assessment report, the plan captures feedback from 21,000 Nova Scotians, 115 employers, and more than 100 organizations in an effort to create the conditions needed to urgently develop more than 40,000 new housing units.

“Housing is a shared responsibility, and we need all levels of government, non-profits, developers and communities working together to solve these unprecedented housing challenges,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “This plan is a collection of action we’ve already taken and a road map of where we intend to go as we continue to work diligently with our partners. This plan was not built in a boardroom. It was crafted with input from the voices of thousands of Nova Scotians representing our province’s rich diversity. Our vision for the future is clear – more Nova Scotians will have access to safe and affordable housing, faster. Our future is bright.”

The needs assessment report by Turner Drake & Partners Ltd., estimates that at the current pace of construction, which brings about 6,000 units to market each year, there will be a shortage of 41,200 housing units by 2027-28 if aggressive action is not taken.

Our Homes, Action for Housing brings partners together to address the gap identified in the needs assessment by increasing housing supply; growing and sustaining affordable housing across the province; and delivering the programs people need. The plan highlights 12 key actions that will help departments reach the Province’s first housing targets, by helping people right now and into the future.

“This assessment is a significant information resource that will support the provincial government and communities across Nova Scotia in responding to housing issues.” said Andrew Scanlan Dickie, Manager, Planning Division, Turner Drake & Partners. “While the results of our analyses and the perspectives shared by so many fellow Nova Scotians help us understand how housing challenges vary from place to place, the overarching lessons must be that they are the result of both recent and long-running trends, they will not be resolved without sustained attention and investment, and the private, public, and non-profit sectors of the housing system all have crucial roles to play.

The needs assessment and Our Homes, Action for Housing are available at:



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