maintenance management

Automating your maintenance management system

Choose a CMMS that works for your business.
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Smart technology has come a long way in enabling busy maintenance managers to streamline their information processes and simplify data access, automating everything from scheduling to ordering parts to maintenance management.

You may already have a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), but if you are shopping for one or looking to upgrade, there are a few factors you need to consider before making your final choice.

Consider the scope

When deciding on a system, you need to know what makes the most sense for your business. Research the features that will help you achieve your goals, as well as define your end game to start to narrow down a fit. Be specific. For example, if, like 48 per cent of industrial organizations, you are looking to collect equipment-related data, ensure that you are looking at systems that are compatible with your equipment.

Plan long-term

Like most investments, taking a short-term approach can lead you to choose something that you will outgrow out of. Think about the future scope of your needs, and equipment you plan to invest in, and consider upgrades you might be looking for in the future. While these factors may shift, taking a broad, long-term approach will help you decide on a system that will grow with your business.

Long-term planning also includes your intent for the data you’re collecting. Create a plan to stay organized by sharing, storing, and understanding data effectively to make use of the data to better your business.

Keep moving forward

Regularly audit your system and your procedures to ensure they are still operating optimally for your business. Seeing a return on your investment means staying on top of its functionality and optimizing your use of the data you’re collecting.

Train staff to use the system and maximize the potential for improving maintenance operations. Conduct meetings with your team to brainstorm improvement, address system challenges, and use the technology to optimize your maintenance management.

Technology will do as it’s intended but it’s how you apply those tools that better your business. Choose a CMMS that addresses your needs, works for your business, and provides the data you need to grow together.

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