Top ten bedbug cities in Canada

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Toronto tops a list of cities bed bugs love to call home, according to Orkin Canada’s second annual list of the top bedbug cities in Canada. Winnipeg kept its spot at number two while Windsor, Ont., came in new to the top ten replacing Calgary.

The top ten cities are:

  1. Toronto
  2. Winnipeg
  3. St. John’s
  4. Vancouver
  5. Halifax
  6. Ottawa
  7. Hamilton
  8. Sudbury
  9. Windsor
  10. Scarborough

The findings are based on the number of commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by the pest control provider from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2018.

According to an Orkin press release, inspection is key to prevention.

What to look for:
Tiny dark coloured stains, cast skins or live bed bugs.

Where to look:
Mattress tags and seams, under seat cushions, behind headboards, creases of drawers, buckling wallpaper or carpet.

Prevention Tips

  • Dry potentially infested bed linens or clothing on the highest heat setting possible.
  • Inspect all second-hand furniture before bringing it into your home.
  • Before returning home after travel, examine your bags, inspect your clothing and other items for bed bugs.

Early detection, reporting and taking action will eradicate bedbugs from a facility. More bedbug prevention tips for facilities and vacationers can be viewed here.

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