CAGBC launches low carbon trades training

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC) is launching A Low Carbon Trades Training Strategy funded by the Government of British Columbia through the Sector Labour Market Program.

The 2018 CleanBC climate plan and CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 highlight the importance of low-carbon building design, construction, and materials to meet B.C.’s emissions target. However, research into workforce readiness suggests that B.C will need a larger workforce with the specific skills that meet the anticipated demand for highly efficient, low carbon buildings.

“Meeting the province’s emission reduction targets requires support from across the building sector, including a skilled and robust workforce,” said Thomas Mueller, president and CEO of CAGBC. “Through this new initiative, CAGBC will engage with stakeholders from across the education, industry, employer, and union spheres to develop a collaborative strategy that supports the expansion and training of B.C.’s low-carbon workforce.”

In drafting the strategy, CAGBC will work with the Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZEBx), specifically their Building to Electrification Coalition (B2E), in addition to SkilledTradesBC, BC Building Trades, Trades Training BC and the Ministry of Energy Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI).

“B2E’s expanding industry capacity committee identified a need for training coordination to meet the workforce needs of the future,” said Mariko Michasiw, program manager of Zero Emissions Building Exchange. “Skilled trades play a critical role in new construction and retrofits that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. B2E is excited to support the coordination and stakeholder engagement needed to bring this strategy forward and will play a role in implementing it.”

By applying this strategy, B.C. can accelerate the number of trades workers skilled in green building and retrofit techniques, helping the sector keep pace with the progressive low-carbon building standards outlined in CleanBC.

“The opportunity for skilled trades professionals to work with current and emergent green technologies and materials is an important step in the growth of the skilled trades,” said Dr. Neil Fassina, chair of Trades Training B.C. “With the rapidly increasing demand for skilled trades professionals in British Columbia, this strategy is an important contributor to ensuring a sustainable future for the province.”


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