Broadway subway’s second TBM breaks through

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
The Broadway Subway Project has reached another milestone. Phyllis, the second tunnel-boring machine (TBM), has broken through at the future Mount Pleasant station as it builds the westbound tunnel.

The custom-built, 150-metre-long machine is named after Phyllis Munday, a well-known nurse and mountaineer who founded the Girl Guides in British Columbia. Since departing from Great Northern Way last fall, Phyllis has excavated 725 metres of tunnel and 494 concrete liner rings have been installed along the new section of tunnel.

The first TBM, named Elsie after notable B.C.-born aircraft designer Elizabeth (Elsie) MacGill, broke through at Mount Pleasant Station in late January 2023. Elsie began tunnelling toward the future Broadway-City Hall Station on March 4.

The TBMs, which launched separately from Great Northern Way-Emily Carr Station, will each take about one year to reach their final destination at Cypress Street, near the future Arbutus Station.

Progress continues to be made at the elevated guideway, where crews are installing girders to connect the 21 columns between VCC-Clark Station and the future Great Northern Way-Emily Carr Station. Excavation and construction of the station foundations are ongoing at the Broadway-City Hall, Oak-VGH, South Granville and Arbutus sites.

At these sites, traffic decks have been installed to keep people and vehicles moving along Broadway and to preserve access to this area as a transportation and retail corridor.

Construction of the interior columns is underway at the future Mount Pleasant and Great Northern Way-Emily Carr stations.

The Broadway Subway Project is scheduled for completion in 2026 by Acciona Canada and joint venture partner, Ghella. It will extend the Millennium Line 5.7 kilometres from VCC-Clark Station to West Broadway and Arbutus Street.

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