B.C. standard AE contracts released

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – British Columbia (ACEC-BC) together with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) and the Province of British Columbia announced the release of standard contracts for architectural and engineering design assignments.

The contracts – based on national standard form agreements – support fairness, transparency, and efficiency for architectural and engineering consultants and government.

“The release of standard form contracts is a significant outcome for design consulting firms of all sizes. Contract review and negotiation can be disruptive and lead to project delays; use of standard forms of agreement supports trust, efficiency, and transparency for all project partners. The effort of all members on the subcommittee was significant, and we are very proud to deliver this work with exceptional partners,” said Caroline Andrewes, president and CEO, ACEC-BC.


In 2018 the Deputy Ministers and Industry Infrastructure Forum (DMIIF) formed a subcommittee led by the Ministry of Finance, with participation from the Ministry of Citizens’ Services, BC Housing, ACEC-BC, AIBC, and the British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA). The subcommittee collaborated to develop Supplemental Conditions for RAIC Doc 6 2022 Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services and CCDC-31 2020 Service Agreement Between Owner and Consultant which were reviewed by the provincial legal services and risk management branches before ratification by the DMIIF.

Shared commitment to protect the public

A shared commitment to protect the public was foundational for the industry, regulatory, and public representatives on the subcommittee as they proceeded with review. The resulting contracts are expected to support fairness, transparency, and efficiency in contracting architectural and engineering consultants. Further, the use of standard contracts aligns with the province’s procurement strategy by making it easier to do business with government and creating opportunity for businesses of all size.

Using Agreements

The agreements have been approved for use by all provincial ministries and agencies who directly engage consulting architects or engineers including BC Housing, health authorities, and school boards. Agreements already in place will continue under their existing agreement; new assignments undertaken after February 1, 2024, should use the new agreements.

To assist in the transition, architectural and engineering firms are encouraged to request use of the new agreements if another form of contract is provided after the release date.


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