workplace safety

workplace safety

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Cultural biases hinder workplace safety outcomes

Workplace injury rates have increased across the globe and businesses will need to anticipate error and monitor work-related practices more readily.
B.C. first aid

Construction Business

New B.C. first aid requirements coming into effect

Starting Nov. 1, 2024, amendments to the B.C. Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) relating to the provision of occupational first aid take effect.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Use your winter generator safely

Winter is coming, and with extreme weather, electricity outages can result in costly work stoppages at your facility. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) is

REMI Network

New Ontario legislation supports injured workers

The government also intends to bring forth a regulation that would add poisonings by chlorine, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide to the list of presumed occupational diseases.
night cleaning

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Keeping night cleaning workers safe

Night cleaning and maintenance work can make sense in some situations, but it comes with its own set of challenges and potential hazards.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Preventing occupational disease when working with chemicals

When chemicals are used, stored, or generated in the workplace, there are unique hazards.
office cleaning

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Execs identify office cleaning as most important incentive to workers

C-suite executives recognize that ensuring adequate office cleaning is vital to workers' willingness to return to the workplace.
office cleaning

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Many workers may quit if office cleaning lacks

More than one-third of respondents would consider changing their jobs if their workplace was not cleaned properly.
twindemic prevention

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Protecting workplaces from a “twindemic”

In the second wave of the pandemic, business owners and facility managers must be unprecedentedly vigilant about protecting workplaces.
CUI report

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

New CCOHS tool kit helps workplaces customize COVID-19 health and safety

The CCOHS tool kit helps workplaces operate safely and prevent the spread of infection.
labour shortage

REMI Network

Ontario workplace inspectors launch safety blitz

Ontario workplace inspectors are now visiting construction sites across the province, targeting personal protective equipment.
TSSA Safety Award

REMI Network

TSSA honours 2019 Safety Award recipients

The TSSA Safety Awards Program has two award categories that recognize acts and initiatives that enhance public safety for Ontarians.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

WSIB eliminates unfunded liability charge

Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board reveals key rate changes for next year.
supreme group

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

WSIB to undergo review

The provincial government launched the review on May 23, 2019. A report to the minister of labour is expected by the end of the year.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Ten things FMs should know about eyewashes

Fast action and the right action are essential to protecting the eyes.

REMI Network

Partnership to support workplace psychological health in Sask.

WCB and UFred have signed a partnership agreement to increase access to training and resources for Saskatchewan employers to create psychologically healthy workplaces.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Reducing damaging noise in the workplace

Work-related noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is much more common than people think. According to WSIB thousands of Ontarians report having NIHL each year.