zero waste

Micro-grants available for zero waste champions

New resources available for multi-res buildings looking to reduce waste
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) is offering new resources and micro-grants of $500 for buildings that take action through its Zero Waste High-Rise Project by March 14.

The project aims to inspire, support and celebrate multi-residential buildings to become zero waste leaders.

Funds will be available for hard costs to improve waste diversion, for example, bins, shelving, tools and custom signs. Consumable supplies (e.g. bags, gloves), staffing or event costs are not eligible.  Buildings must complete all forms from stages 1, 2 and 3 in the online pathway and submit an action plan by February 15. Applicants must complete their action plan by February 28th and submit a progress report.

Additionally, building teams can participate in the online program to create a zero waste action plan for their buildings, taking part in virtual learning sessions, guides and tools, while attending virtual tours of leading buildings. They will also be contributing to valuable research by TEA and the University of Toronto to help more buildings reduce waste.

TEA will recognize and celebrate the achievements of buildings participating in the project in 2021. Residents and staff will get an opportunity to share their success, hear from other buildings, and be recognized for their waste reduction efforts.

The project is funded through a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and a research grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in partnership with the University of Toronto. Learn more about the project here.





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