Canadian Apartment Magazine
Energy-efficient housing complex opens in Montreal
The Îlot Rosemont housing complex recently opened in Montreal, featuring 193 affordable units for seniors and direct access to the Rosemont metro.
REMI Network
Tarion releases radon protection tips for homeowners
November is Radon Action Month. Here are some tips and commonly asked questions about testing.
REMI Network
Radon levels outpace national estimates
Radon levels consistently eclipse provincial and national estimates, according to new findings from a Canada-wide citizen science initiative conducted over the past three years.
Canadian Apartment Magazine
Sluggish radon testing decried in New Brunswick
At the current pace, New Brunswick Auditor General Kim Adair-MacPherson calculates it will take nearly 23 years to complete radon testing in the provincial public housing portfolio.
REMI Network
Yukon first to require radon testing in child care centres
Yukon will soon be the first jurisdiction in Canada to make radon testing a licensing requirement for child care facilities.
REMI Network
Tips for reducing radon in the workplace
The winter season brings increased levels of radon in the workplace, and is a prime time to test for and address any issues.
Construction Business
Radon in buildings is a major health concern
Radon in buildings is a significant health concern recognized by Health Canada and the World Health Organization. According to Health Canada, approximately 16 per cent