Bunzl Distribution Acquires Acme Supplies

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bunzl Distribution has extended its reach westward to Vancouver Island and acquired the cleaning and hygiene business of Acme Supplies based in Victoria, B.C.

Acme Supplies is led by Brothers Robin and Richard Impett, who purchased the 52-year-old business in 1980. The Impetts will continue to head up the 36-employee organization as general manager and operations manager, respectively.

“The employees of Acme Supplies will be a wonderful addition to our Canadian team,” said Bunzl Distribution President and CEO Patrick Larmon. “They provide unrivaled customer service, and pride themselves on bringing new products and fresh ideas to their customers.”

Acme uses its fleet of 11 delivery and service vehicles to provide cleaning and hygiene solutions throughout Vancouver Island from its Victoria warehouse located at 2311 Government St. Acme’s clients include federal and provincial government departments and crown corporations, healthcare, educational and recreational facilities, property managers, hotels, motels and restaurants, and a wide variety of small businesses.

 “We are pleased to have the Acme team join the Bunzl Canada family,” said Bunzl Canada Division President John Howlett. “This acquisition allows us to provide complete coverage on Vancouver Island while further enhancing our Canada-wide cleaning and hygiene business.”

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