
REMI Network

Province passes Waste-Free Ontario Act

A new law to divert more waste from landfills will soon be rolled out in Ontario.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Recycling now mandatory for Calgary landlords

All multi-family buildings in Calgary are now required to provide recycling services as per the City’s new waste and recycling bylaw, which took effect February

Building Strategies & Sustainability

Designing for better waste management

A building's design influences the operational efficiency waste collection programs, the cost of servicing the programs and diversion rates.

Building Strategies & Sustainability

National Waste Benchmarking Study released

The Recycling Council of Ontario’s first commercial, industrial and institutional waste performance benchmarking study has been released, revealing an immediate need for industry-wide improvement, with

REMI Network

P.E.I. to implement oil recycling program

A used oil and glycol recycling program similar to oil product programs in provinces across Canada will soon be implemented in Prince Edward Island (PEI). Janice

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Calgary approves multi-family recycling bylaw

As of Feb. 1, 2016, Calgary multi-family building residents will have access to more robust on-site recycling services under the region’s new council-approved Waste & Recycling Bylaw. Apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other multi-family complexes will be required to accept paper and cardboard, food cans, glass jars, plastic containers and bags. The City of Calgary will not collect multi-family recycling, but builder owners and managers will be tasked with determining which private company best serves the needs of their building.

REMI Network

Pilot project aims to increase recycling in schools

As part of a provincial plan to divert waste by 50 per cent, organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador are in the midst of a pilot