Bullpen Research & Consulting

rents in Canada

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Rents in September 2022 reached historic highs

Rents in September 2022 for all rental properties in Canada reached historic highs, with the average monthly asking price exceeding $2,000.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Average GTA rents rose 1.6% in October 2021

October marked the first month since March 2020 that average GTA rents increased year over year, according to new data from and Bullpen Research & Consulting.
rent growth

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Average monthly rents continue to trend upward

The average monthly rents in Canada increased another 1.9 per cent in June , according to the latest National Rent Report produced by and Bullpen Research & Consulting.

REMI Network

High-density land in the GTA traded at $92/sf in Q2

High-density land in the GTA traded hands at an average of $92 per buildable square foot in Q2-2018, according to a report


Ben Myers launches residential real estate advisory firm

Veteran real estate analyst Ben Myers has launched Bullpen Research & Consulting Inc., a boutique residential real estate advisory firm.