
Province creating six transit-oriented communities in Toronto

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Thousands of new homes will be rising near future transit stations along the Ontario Line subway and Scarborough Subway Extension in Toronto.

Ontario is proposing about 5,900 residential and affordable units overall. The mixed-use projects promise jobs, community amenities and more retail and office space. They include a first transit-oriented community (TOC) on the Scarborough Subway Extension, close to the Lawrence and McCowan Station. Plans call for 770 residential and affordable units, a new park and pedestrian connections to a transit plaza.

On the Ontario Line, the Eastern Avenue TOC would provide pedestrian and cyclist access to the future East Harbour Transit Hub—a new SmartTrack GO Station and interchange station.

The Cosburn TOC, near Cosburn Station, would add about 620 units, refreshed streetscapes and public spaces, and new landscaping and street furniture for people who gather along Pape Avenue. Near Pape Station, another TOC promises around 440 units with direct and accessible connections. Heading south, the proposed Gerrard-Carlaw South TOC, at the south side of future Gerrard Station, would create approximately 1,310 units. The design for a TOC at the future Thorncliffe Park Station envisions 2,660 units, enhanced public spaces and a transit plaza.

The City of Toronto is currently reviewing the plans before they funnel through a consultation process with Indigenous groups, stakeholders and the public.

Earlier this year, public engagement sessions took place for the proposed Gerrard-Carlaw North TOC, at the future Gerrard Station. This TOC would deliver an additional 1,080 residential units and approximately 225 new jobs, with enhanced greenspace, a grocery store and other public amenities.


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