Tork Office Hygiene

Making facility hygiene a priority

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

As life in Canada gradually starts returning to normal with greater COVID-19 vaccine availability and officials easing social restrictions, ensuring proper hygiene in public places remains critical to health and safety.

Today’s challenging and evolving environment has generated new demands on the way people live and work. Facility managers are now faced with new challenges that include adapting to a new hygiene standard and adhering to high safety protocols. Although challenging, this provides an opportunity to enhance cleaning quality, create a safer work environment, and secure the new hygiene standard.

To guide facility managers as they prepare to navigate this new environment, Tork, an Essity brand, created the Tork Office Hygiene PackageTM.

Products and services for every area of the facility

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted attitudes towards public spaces, with increased awareness of hygiene. According to a recent study by Essity, a leading global hygiene and health company and the maker of the Tork brand, 3 in 4 employees expect their employer to provide extra cleaning rounds to ensure hygiene.1 In particular, common areas, such as reception areas, restrooms, and breakrooms, which are heavily frequented, require the most maintenance. Fortunately, there are many hygiene tools, products, and services to help facility managers meet these increased hygiene expectations in all parts of the office:

    • Reception areas, office areas and conference rooms: By providing hygiene solutions in these common areas, facility managers can demonstrate their commitment to securing the new hygiene standard, while also ensuring that employees and visitors feel safe.

    • Restrooms: The quality and availability of hygiene products in the restroom is essential to maintaining high levels of hygiene. With high-capacity hygiene solutions, fewer checks are required and dispensers can be easily refilled and maintained. By saving time with more efficient products, facility managers can spend more time improving hygiene in other parts of their facility.

    • Breakrooms and kitchens: Breakrooms and kitchens are high-traffic areas where employees eat and meet. By providing the right hygiene solutions in breakrooms, such as cleaning cloths, facility managers can show they care about creating a healthy work environment, throughout the entire office.

    • Entire office building: To help ensure hand hygiene anywhere, the Tork Hygiene Stand can be placed in high-traffic office areas to remind employees and staff to practice proper hand hygiene when soap and water are unavailable. Moreover, other products like Tork EasyCube®, the world’s leading facility management software for data-driven cleaning, can help cleaning teams stay ahead of hygiene demands by informing them of exactly what products are needed and where, bringing any office cleaning regimen to the next level.

Discover the Tork Office Hygiene Package

With different areas of the office requiring different hygiene solutions, it can be difficult to know how and where to start. The Tork Office Hygiene Package can assist in readying offices for business with a tailored selection of products and services to cover each area.

What’s more, Tork also developed an informative trend report focused on office hygiene, which offers guidance for facility managers in understanding how the pandemic changed hygiene standards in office buildings, and how to address these new challenges moving forward.

To learn more, visit

1 2020 research study by Kantar commissioned by Essity.

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