
New oversight regime set for Ontario elevators

New oversight regime set for Ontario elevators

A new oversight regime for Ontario’s elevators and escalators will come into force on March 1, bringing shorter timelines for rectifying an extensive list of designated high-risk deficiencies.

Study finds elevator fans fail to eliminate pathogens

The confined space inside an elevator cabin creates a large risk of transmission despite standard ventilation.
New flat rates for Ontario elevators licenses

New fee model for Ontario elevator licenses

The flat license rate will penalize mid-rise and high-rise owners with extra costs if an elevator passes the periodic inspection and does not require a follow-up. It will be a bargain if just one follow-up inspection is required.
aging residential towers

Investing in Canada’s aging residential towers

Aging residential towers are in dire need of investment, something the pandemic has underscored given the scores of frontline workers who’ve been disproportionately affected.

Takeaways from #TorontoFlood

At least one condo corporation is facing what is likely to be a steep repair tab after Toronto was drenched with a month’s worth of rain on Aug. 7.

Required upgrades to single-speed elevators lifted

The TSSA recently lifted the requirement to undertake certain upgrades to the controls of single-speed elevators, but it doesn’t mean building owners should abandon modernization.

Reliable Elevators Act passes second reading

If it becomes law, the Reliable Elevators Act would require maintenance contractors to restore out-of-service elevators within 14 days in most buildings.

MPP proposes time limits for elevator repairs

Han Dong, the Liberal MPP for Trinity-Spadina, is proposing to set time limits for elevator repairs with a private member's bill.

Rising performance demands for elevators

Given the number of tall towers, elevators are more important than ever before. Cliff Ayling, of Ayling Consulting Services, offers important maintenance and safety tips.

Ontario elevator strike refuses to lift

Talks between Ontario’s elevator technician union and management cannot seem to get off the ground floor.